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In this section, we will introduce configuration options in Nginx UI about Nginx control commands, log paths, and other parameters.


Starting from Nginx UI v2.0.0-beta.3, we have renamed the nginx_log configuration item to nginx.


Nginx logs are crucial for monitoring, troubleshooting, and maintaining your web server. They provide valuable insights into server performance, user behavior, and potential issues.


  • Type: string

This option is used to set the path for Nginx access logs in Nginx UI, allowing us to view log content online.


In Nginx UI v2, we parse the output of the nginx -V command to get the default path for Nginx access logs.

If you need to set a different path, you can use this option.


  • Type: string

This option is used to set the path for Nginx error logs in Nginx UI, allowing us to view log content online.


In Nginx UI v2, we parse the output of the nginx -V command to get the default path for Nginx error logs.

If you need to set a different path, you can use this option.


  • Type: []string
  • Version:>= v2.0.0-beta.36
  • Example: /var/log/nginx,/var/log/sites

This option is used to set the whitelist of directories for the Nginx logs viewer in Nginx UI.


For security reasons, you must specify the directories where the logs are stored.

Only logs within these directories can be viewed online.

Service Monitoring and Control

In this section, we will introduce configuration options in Nginx UI for monitoring and controlling Nginx services.


  • Type: string

This option is used to set the path for the Nginx configuration folder.

In Nginx UI v2, we parse the output of the nginx -V command to get the default path for the Nginx configuration file.

If you need to override the default path, you can use this option.


  • Type: string

This option is used to set the path for the Nginx PID file. Nginx UI determines the running status of the Nginx service by checking if this file exists.

In Nginx UI v2, we parse the output of the nginx -V command to get the default path for the Nginx PID file.

If you need to override the default path, you can use this option.


  • Type: string
  • Default: nginx -t

This option is used to set the command for testing the Nginx configuration.


  • Type: string
  • Default: nginx -s reload

This option is used to set the command for reloading the Nginx configuration.


  • Type: string


We recommend users who manage Nginx with systemd to set this value to systemctl restart nginx. Otherwise, after restarting Nginx in the Nginx UI, you will not be able to get the accurate status of Nginx in systemctl.

If this option is left empty, Nginx UI will use the following command to stop the Nginx service:

start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --oknodo --retry=TERM/30/KILL/5 --pidfile $PID

If the --sbin-path path cannot be obtained from nginx -V, Nginx UI will use the following command to start the Nginx service:


If the --sbin-path path can be obtained, Nginx UI will use the following command to start the Nginx service:

start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile $PID --exec $SBIN_PATH

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