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Reset Initial User Password

The reset-password command allows you to reset the initial administrator account's password to a randomly generated 12-character password that includes uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special symbols.

This feature was introduced in v2.0.0-rc.4.


To reset the initial user's password, run:

nginx-ui reset-password --config=/path/to/app.ini

The command will:

  1. Generate a secure random password (12 characters)
  2. Reset the password for the initial user account (user ID 1)
  3. Output the new password in the application logs


  • --config: (Required) Path to the Nginx UI configuration file


# Reset the password using the default config file location
nginx-ui reset-password --config=/path/to/app.ini

# The output will include the generated password
2025-03-03 03:24:41     INFO    user/reset_password.go:52       confPath: ../app.ini
2025-03-03 03:24:41     INFO    user/reset_password.go:59       dbPath: ../database.db
2025-03-03 03:24:41     INFO    user/reset_password.go:92       User: root, Password: X&K^(X0m(E&&

Configuration File Location

  • If you installed Nginx UI using the Linux one-click installation script, the configuration file is located at:


    You can directly use the following command:

    nginx-ui reset-password --config /usr/local/etc/nginx-ui/app.ini

Docker Usage

If you're running Nginx UI in a Docker container, you need to use the docker exec command:

docker exec -it <nginx-ui-container> nginx-ui reset-password --config=/etc/nginx-ui/app.ini

Replace <nginx-ui-container> with your actual container name or ID.


  • This command is useful if you've forgotten the initial administrator password
  • The new password will be displayed in the logs, so be sure to copy it immediately
  • You must have access to the server's command line to use this feature
  • The database file must exist for this command to work

Released under the AGPL-3.0 License. (95d99b42)